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Editorial calendar and trends: are anniversaries always a communication opportunity for your company?

By June 8, 2023#!30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:000630#30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:00-12+00:003030+00:00x30 13pm30pm-30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:0012+00:003030+00:00x302023Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +00002512256pmTuesday=124#!30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00 :00+ 00:006#June 13th, 2023#!30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:000630#/30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:00-12+00:003030+00: 00x30# !30Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:25:06 +0000+00:00+00:006#No Comments
Calendario editoriale trend

If you are a business that wants reach your customers, the most effective way to do this is organize a communication strategy which includes the programming of a editorial calendar and the observation of trend of the moment.

This is because, in the digital age we live in, strategic communication is essential for companies to want reach theirs target.

Below, we will try to explain the meaning of these two terms as comprehensively as possible.

Editorial calendar: meaning

The editorial calendar it is a fundamental tool that allows companies to to plan, organize and follow up important anniversaries, providing a valuable reference point for content creation targeted and relevant to be published on business promotional channels (blogs, newsletters, social networks, ...),

The editorial calendar it can have different forms (a Google document, a template on Canva, ...), what matters is that it is well structured, so as to provide an overall view of the goals to be achieved defined in marketing plan.

In this way, we avoid improvising the production and promotion of content at the last minute, and the allocation of the necessary financial resources. In short, the editorial calendar it is useful so as not to arrive unprepared from a content and economic point of view. Deciding on contents, promotions and other aspects of communication from time to time is risky, because you could encounter unnecessary repetitions, miss good opportunities and forget opportunities.

Furthermore, a editorial calendar allows companies to quickly seize marketing opportunities related to anniversaries: by being aware of holidays and significant events, companies can create thematic content and relevant that capture the attention of the target audience. 

For example, during the Christmas period, a company can develop promotional content related to gifts and special offers, taking advantage of the festive atmosphere and the desire to shop.

Trend: meaning

For trend, or market trend, on the other hand, means the lasting effect that occurs on the market due to a significant movement, either upward or downward. Any a topic that was previously little talked about and is now talked about a lot can become a trend. Analyze i trend of the moment allows companies to keep up with the expectations and interests of your target customers.

By carefully monitoring the cultural changes, the news in the ei sector trend emerging markets, you can adapt your communications strategy to maintain relevance and appeal to your audience.

Follow peak trend periods it allows you to avoid appearing outdated or out of fashion, and to create content that resonates with your customers' needs and desires.

An excellent data analysis tool trend market is represented by Google Trends, a platform made available free of charge by the search engine and which allows you to monitor and analyze user interest in certain keywords on the Internet.

Editorial calendar and trends: are they always a good communication opportunity?

Now that we have understood the meaning of both words, let's move on to the second part of this article, that is, understanding whether the recurrences and trend they are always a communication opportunity for your company and if it is as effective as it seems include them in your editorial calendar.

First of all, it is necessary to make a premise: it should not be abused brazenly of anniversaries in one's own editorial calendar.

They are a strong point only if used correctly, but the customer is not foolish and understands whether a content or a themed campaign has been prepared only because it is trending in that period, or because the  company philosophy it truly believes in the themes proposed by the anniversaries and there is a genuine intention to promote them.

Before planning trending topics in your editorial calendar or relating to particular occasions, a business must recognize a certain certainty in them continuity and consistency with its corporate mission

This doesn't apply so much to occasions like the Black Friday or others of that kind, as for anniversaries related to social issues.

Let's give some examples about it.

Calendario editoriale trend

Pride Month: facade trend or reality?

We just entered the month of June and every editorial calendar self-respecting person knows that a in this month is in trend the Pride Month, aka LGBTQ+ Pride Month. 

This annual international event lasts the whole month and is dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc. culture and pride, but also underlines the importance of the fight for the rights of LGBTQ+ community.

To plan in editorial calendar dealing with such sensitive social occasions, it is necessary for a business to make a concrete commitment throughout the year and in the long term in promoting LGBTQ+ inclusion within its corporate philosophy, creating a inclusive work environment, respectful and fair to all employees, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

World Environment Day: facade trend or reality?

Another example of an annual recurrence is the World Environment Day. In recent years, the topic of awareness of environmental problems has acquired increasing importance, approaching the sensitivity of many people and causing a lot of discussion among political leaders.

For this reason, especially on the occasion of this annual event established in 1974, it is a very trendy topic. As a result, many companies don't miss the opportunity to include this topic in their publications and talk about it, often to gather consensus and improvise a strong, brand identity, which in reality is only a façade and does not hold up in the long term.

Once again, to avoid falling into hypocrisy and falsehood, we must create a solid foundation for coherent decisions and actions before proclaiming themselves promoters of an ecological and eco-sustainable lifestyle in the workplace. This could be done raising awareness among employees to adopt solutions in everyday life that can then contribute significantly to reduction of the company's overall environmental impact.

In this regard, we suggest reading the following article relating to the Italian Green New Deal, which provides access, by any industrial activity that requests it, to subsidized financing and non-repayable contributions made available by the Ministry of Economic Development in order to reduce the environmental impact of companies.


In conclusion, this article could be reduced to one key phrase: do it first, then talk! Of course, talk about important anniversaries and keep up to date on trends it is certainly a strong point for every business.

However, it is a job that must be done with caution: if you are a company that communicates on social media or on your website's blog, avoid talking about issues that are not your responsibility or that are not really close to your heart. Often, it is a bad impression avoided!

If, however, you wish to communicate and, consequently, take a position on certain topics, perhaps listen to our advice taking inspiration from other businesses

Only by acting concretely in everyday life can a coherent and recognizable narrative be created over time. This helps create a strong and memorable brand identity, which fosters customer trust and affinity.