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Web ProjectsEcommerce

Foto Ottica Rasconi – e-commerce creation

In today's retail landscape, digitalization has become an essential component for the success of any business. Foto Ottica Rasconi, a historic optical company, decided to take this path and chose our agency, Digife, to create its ecommerce. This ambitious project required a combination of technical skills, creativity and a deep understanding of the needs of the customer and the market.

Analysis and Planning
The first step was a thorough analysis of Foto Ottica Rasconi's business and its target market. We conducted in-depth interviews with the company's team to understand their expectations, strengths and challenges. Based on this information, we developed a detailed strategy that included the selection of the most suitable technology platforms, the design of the site architecture and the definition of key features.

User-Centric Design
One of the main goals was to create an intuitive and engaging user experience (UX). The site design had to reflect the elegance and professionalism of Foto Ottica Rasconi, while maintaining a simple and navigable interface. We developed a responsive design that would guarantee an optimal browsing experience on all devices, from desktop to mobile.

Technical Implementation
For the technical implementation, we chose a robust and scalable ecommerce platform that could support the company's future growth. Our team of developers worked on customizing the platform, integrating specific features such as order management, shipment tracking, and secure payment solutions to ensure safe transactions.

SEO Optimization and Digital Marketing
Launching an ecommerce site requires a solid digital marketing strategy. We optimized the site for search engines (SEO) to increase online visibility and attract organic traffic.

Training and Support
After the website was launched, we trained the Foto Ottica Rasconi team to independently manage the e-commerce platform. Our ongoing support ensures that the website runs smoothly and the company can quickly adapt to market changes.