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How to sponsor food on Instagram - Food marketing strategies

By 12 July 2024No Comments
Food marketing

The relationship between food and social networks is increasingly close, just think that, according to studies, approximately 63% of individuals between the ages of 13 and 32 have posted a photo of what they were eating at least once. This phenomenon, which takes the name of food marketing, turned the act of eating into a culinary experience worth sharing on your Instagram feed or Stories.

For restaurants, ice cream parlors, bars, pizzerias and the like, exploiting this trend can be a powerful marketing lever. Users don't just post pictures of food, they also search for new places and dishes to enjoy. Let's see how to best use Instagram to enhance the communication and commercial aspects of your business with food marketing.

Why use Instagram to advertise food?

Instagram is a platform born in 2010 thanks to Kevin Systrom is Mike Krieger, revolutionizing "photo sharing" with the possibility of modifying shots through filters. This aspect makes Instagram particularly suitable for marketing and advertising, as it allows you to create engaging and captivating images.

Food on Instagram as a form of sponsorship is increasingly sought after, with around 80 million photos posted per day under the hashtags #food and #foodporn. This platform has a unique ability to create strong bonds between the brand or product and its fans or customers, essential elements for emerging or implementing a business.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram advertising represents advertising communication through Instagram, which, if used appropriately, allows the acquisition of followers who generate conversions, transforming users into customers.

Sponsorship on Instagram occurs through simple but effective steps. Once upon a time, locals knew each other through word of mouth between friends or relatives; today, this action has been replaced by the creation of valid profiles in the restaurant industry that go beyond taking and posting “nice” photos. The main goal becomes to advertise through brand and food storytelling on Instagram.

Today it is common to choose a restaurant through photos published by a friend or any user, which are captivating in the visitor's eyes.

Food Marketing: some practical advice

Food advertising communication (food marketing) on Instagram can generate countless marketing successes if practiced properly. Here is a short list of practical tips:

Take quality photos

For effective food marketing, photos must be of high quality is well cared for, as they represent the first point of visual contact with the audience. Invest in a good camera and take into consideration the lighting and angle of the dishes.

Choose relevant and related content

Publish content that is relevant for your target audience. Show behind the scenes, the preparation of the dishes, and tell the story of your restaurant.

Constant publication frequency

Keep one publication frequency constant to keep your audience interested. Schedule posts in advance and use scheduling tools to ease the process.

Post at strategic times

Analyze the timetables when your audience is most active and schedule posts at those times to maximize engagement.

Share videos and stories beyond photos

THE video and the stories they offer a dynamic way to present your dishes and your venue. Use Stories for limited-time promotions and to interact directly with your followers.

Interact with your target audience

Reply to comments and messages, interact with your followers' posts and create a sense of community. This increases customer loyalty.

Use influencers as representatives

Collaborate with influencers of the food sector to promote your restaurant. Influencers can increase visibility and bring in new customers thanks to their credibility and following.

Use the venue's Geotag

Use the geotag for every post and story to let your followers know where your place is. This helps reach an interested local audience.

Use hashtags related to the topic

The hashtag they are essential for increasing the visibility of your posts. Use popular and relevant hashtags like #foodie, #instafood and specific to your venue.

Link to the reference website

Add the link to your site web in your Instagram bio and in posts to make it easier for followers to visit your site.


Advertising your food on Instagram is a powerful marketing strategy that, if used correctly, can lead to a significant increase in customer base and brand awareness. We at Digife we are ready to offer you support to implement the most suitable food marketing strategies for your restaurant, helping you grow in the digital world.