If the results of your page Facebook do not satisfy you, this article will surely help you!
Often time and money are invested in strategies that are found to be wrong, but with some precautions Facebok ads will have an excellent yield and a low cost!
The purpose of the social presence is to bring conversions to our site, let's see together how we can do it quickly and with little budget!
As you know by now, the contents must be fresh, clear, original and above all useful, but all this is not enough.
Facebook is used by millions of people, let's try to understand which ones are subjects more "hot" and which is the trend, to get an idea we can use tools to find what interests users and focus attention on our articles.
Here are some examples:
It is forbidden to neglect the title: must immediately tickle the reader's curiosity!
We insert a link that you point to our site: the % of visitors will certainly be very high, in fact those who are already reading one of our articles probably know us or are interested in our sector, and it is therefore very likely that they will visit the site, generating conversions!
At this point we should have already captured a good portion of the public, but how to reach those who, for example, have seen the article but have not visited the site? And this is where the retargeting!
By inserting this code on the pages of your site, you will be able to monitor the behavior of those who visit it and get a lot of useful information!
Facebook provides its pixel that will allow you to verify the approach of yours followers and let them find what they are looking for!
As we have just seen, thanks also to Facebook we have the opportunity to know the behavior of users. Through retargeting we can create specific ads for those who, for example, have read our article but have not given rise to any conversion! So let's "remember" ours brand to all those people who were interested in us but for example due to lack of time when they read the article they did not interact. You don't think they can be potential customers? So let's not let them forget about us!
Going to hit a specific audience segment (keep in mind that through monitoring we already know who to contact), we limit the number of views and therefore i costs, but we are sure there will be a great return, these people were already looking for us!
The retargeting of Facebook it is therefore very targeted and can only lead conversions!
These are just some of the tricks that can give the right input to visits of yours site.
What are you waiting for to discover all the others? The team  DigiFe waiting for you, contact us immediately!