You've always wondered how based on what Facebook select the photos, posts, or videos highlighted on your wall?
There are three points that Facebook needs to evaluate what ends and where in your timeline.
Profiles is Pages, Content (what kind of content is it, video, text, link, photo), and the set of activities, which includes all the types of activities that a user can perform within the social network.
The data from these three areas generates a sort of score of relevance, thanks to which the social network sorts the contents according to what the user prefers.
The score detected changes continuously, and is updated every time you log in to the platform after logging out, as well as every time you reload the page. Facebook must create an exact conclusion about the user who goes to "study".
“This is a photo that appears at the top of my News Feed: first, because my sister posted it, with whom I have a lot of interactions, second because it's a photo, and I always Like photos, I like them. What's more, my cousin also commented on it ”. Explain Adam Mosseri, Director of Product of Facebook who came to Italy to reveal the relevance statistics of the social network.
To give concrete examples: the number of "like"That you give to a person can raise the viewing index of his posts on your wall, the time it takes to read a news item, the majority of" likes "on photos rather than videos determines what you like and what consequently what Facebook will show you on the wall.
Indeed, using Messenger, the frequency of chats with another user affects the visibility of the posts belonging to it, the constancy of a chat indicates a certain bond with another user, therefore it is stored and defined as important content for you.
In conclusion, according to these statistics and various feedbacks from a selection of users, the social network draws up your profile and tries to show the user what interests him most.