Starting from Thursday 17 November 2022 it is possible to submit applications to request the subsidized loans and non-repayable contributions envisaged by the Italian Green New Deal.
The request can be submitted by any industrial activity, service to industry, agro-industrial, research center and small or large company. The funds, allocated by the MISE, the Ministry of Economic Development, amount to 750 million euros and must be used for the creation of new products and services, in the context of the ecological transition and the circular economy.
Who can submit the application and through which modalities? What requirements must it meet and which projects are financed? Read on for all the answers.
What is the Italian Green New Deal?
The Italian Green New Deal it is an incentive that provides financial relief for those companies that decide to carry out research projects, programs and interventions aimed at promoting the ecological transition and the circular economy.
The measure, according to what is reported by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy:
"is intended to support the projects of companies admitted to the subsidized loans of the FRI (Revolving Fund to support companies and investment in research), and provides for the granting of contributions to support industrial research, experimental development and, for SMEs, industrialization of research and development results"1.
Who can apply for funding?
Businesses of any size engaged in:
- industrial activities;
- agro-industrial activities;
- craft activities;
- services to industry;
- research centers.
Furthermore, the projects can be presented individually or jointly with other companies and must obviously fall within the scope envisaged by the Italian Green New Deal. The proposals must in fact have the following objectives:
- the decarbonisation of the economy;
- the circular economy;
- the reduction of the use of plastic and its replacement with alternative and ecological materials;
- urban regeneration;
- sustainable tourism;
- the reduction of environmental risks deriving from climate change.
Finally, projects will be considered that will demonstrate a high degree of innovation and sustainability and that meet these additional four points:
- the realization must take place on the national territory;
- the expenditure and costs of the project must be no less than 3 million and no more than 40 million euros;
- the project must have a minimum duration of 12 months and not more than 36 months;
- the project must necessarily be started after the submission of the application to take advantage of the Italian Green New Deal.
How to access funding
The Italian Green New Deal provides that the submission of the application can only be made online, starting from 17 November 2022, from Monday to Friday (10:00 - 18:00).
Here are some useful links for submitting your application:
Firms applying the application can access the concessions through two distinct procedures, at the counter or by negotiation:
- over the counter, for programs of no less than 3 million and no more than 10 million euros, with a maximum of 3 participating companies;
- negotiation, for programs with amounts between 10 and 40 million euros, with a maximum of 5 participating companies.
Finally, the application must be accompanied by:
- detailed technical data sheet of the project;
- project development plan;
- declaration in lieu of notarial deed and requirements for access to the subsidy;
- company size calculation statement;
- certification from the lending bank, with digital signature, of the granting of the bank loan;
- collaboration contract, in case of joint application.
The concessions
As reported by the Ministry, the funds allocated by Italian Green New Deal are divided as follows:
- 600 million euros for the granting of subsidized loans, from the Revolving Fund for business support and research investment (FRI), of which:
- 300 million for projects that access the counter procedure;
- 300 million for projects that access the negotiation procedure;
- 150 million euros for the granting of grants, of which:
- 75 million for projects that access the counter procedure;
- 75 million for projects accessing the negotiation procedure.
For more information, please refer to FAQ section of the Ministry website, to the section Italian Green New Deal.