To do marketing in Emilia Romagna effectively, but this applies to all regions, it is no longer sufficient to simply contact a web agency to have a website created.
Today the competition on the web becomes more fierce every day and, to get the maximum visibility, it is essential to collaborate with a local marketer, an expert in marketing in Emilia Romagna who knows the area and the companies that work there well.
What does a marketing expert in Emilia Romagna do?
An expert on marketing in Emilia Romagna can help your company to carve out a space of visibility on the web, in a creative way, with different means and on different platforms.
The main activities of a marketer are:
- copywriting .;
- SEO - SEM;
- social media marketing;
- advertising;
- marketing.
Before analyzing the points on this list, though, a warning: a marketer doesn't work alone. In other words, he is not an expert in all these activities, even if he has the basic knowledge of them, but collaborates with colleagues who have more specific knowledge. Marketing is in effect a team effort with the marketer in charge of the project.
The copywriting it is literally the drafting of texts for a website. The concept encompasses a wide area of activity, from the drafting of everything that will appear written on each page of the site, to the texts of the posts published on social media, up to landing pages and online advertisements. In essence, it is about managing the company's communication through all the channels the company wants.
An expert on marketing in Emilia Romagna is able to communicate the desired concepts more effectively than a non-local professional. This is because he is familiar with his target audience and competitors. However, copywriting is only the tip of the iceberg of a complex process.
The mere compilation of the texts is not in fact sufficient for an effective strategy of marketing in Emilia Romagna. Once the texts have been written, the next step is search engine optimization: SEO.
The term SEO, acronym for Search Engine Optimization, refers to all the practices and strategies aimed at making the reference site appear among the search results on Google. It is a complex practice that requires a lot of knowledge, analysis and modifications.
Furthermore, SEO can also be exploited for marketing operations, through the joint work of SEO and paid advertising campaigns on the web. This practice is called SEM.
To summarize, SEO and SEM are two activities that your site needs to get noticed on the internet, starting from the texts created by the copywriter. Without these activities, the site is destined to remain "hidden" and, no matter what you do, it will only be visited by very few people.
Social Media Marketing
The success of a company on the web is also linked to how many communication channels it has. Being able to reach your customers, both loyal and potential ones, through different means is in fact fundamental for loyalty.
For this reason a strategy of marketing in Emilia Romagna it is not complete without the implementation of social channels, usually (at least) Facebook and Instagram. The function and management of social networks are different. On social networks, in fact, the purpose is not so much to be seen, as to generate engagement, or to entice users to interact with the company page.
If users feel involved in the company's activities, they will be more likely to share the content it posts, to leave comments and, ultimately, to buy its products.
There are also more “traditional” promotion formulas: advertising. But be careful, it is not the advertising we see on television, but the advertising on the internet. Have you ever noticed that, when you search on the internet, the first results often show the words "ad"? They are paid advertisements.
This activity is also complex and requires a professional capable of carrying out analyzes and studies for greater advertising effectiveness.
Finally we find the actual marketing. We left it for last as it is the most complex practice, for two reasons.
First, marketing is the set of all the practices we have discussed so far. Furthermore, an effective marketing strategy in Emilia Romagna requires in-depth knowledge not only of the territory and competitors, but also of the reference company.
If, in fact, for copywriting it is not necessary to know the company philosophy, for marketing it is instead a fundamental practice.
A marketing strategy must be discussed in depth between the company and the marketer, who must learn the objectives, methods and philosophy of the company.
Digife - Marketing in Emilia Romagna
Digife is a web agency with offices in Bologna and Ferrara, but it covers the whole territory of Emilia Romagna, which deals with marketing in Emilia Romagna and beyond. Thanks to a team of experts in different sectors working in synergy, we are able to offer a dedicated and professional marketing service in Emilia Romagna.
Contact us to request all the information you need or to ask for a quote. Don't miss the opportunity to successfully implement your idea on the web!