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Shopify to WooCommerce Migration: Complete Guide for an SEO-Friendly Transition (with Professional Migration Service)

migrazione da shopify a woocommerce

The move from Shopify to WooCommerce can be a strategic choice for many digital entrepreneurs, thanks to the greater flexibility and customization offered by WooCommerce. However, migrating an e-commerce site requires attention, especially from an SEO point of view, to avoid traffic drops and loss of visibility. In this article, we will explain how to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce in an SEO-friendly way and introduce you to our professional migration service, which uses Shopify APIs to ensure a safe and complete transfer of all your data.

1. Migration Planning

Before you begin the migration process, careful planning is essential. Migrating an e-commerce site is complex and can significantly impact your SEO if not done correctly. Here’s what to do before you proceed:

Existing Site Audit: Analyze your current Shopify site, identifying the most important pages in terms of traffic and rankings, top keywords, and critical URLs to preserve.
Full backup: Take a full backup of all your Shopify data, including products, categories, orders, and SEO settings.
URL Structure: If possible, try to keep the same URL structure to minimize SEO risks. If you can’t do that, 301 redirects will be essential (more on that later).

2. WooCommerce Setup

Before you begin the data transfer process, you need to set up WooCommerce on your new WordPress site.

Installing WordPress and WooCommerce: Set up your WordPress hosting and install WooCommerce. Make sure the server you choose supports WooCommerce efficiently.
Choosing an SEO-friendly theme: Choose a WooCommerce theme that is SEO-friendly, mobile-friendly, fast, and compatible with all the necessary plugins.
Customize Settings: Configure WooCommerce options like taxes, currencies, and shipping methods to suit your needs.

3. Professional Shopify API Migration Service

To ensure that all your data is transferred safely and completely, we offer a professional Shopify to WooCommerce migration service, using Shopify APIs directly. This approach allows you to preserve the integrity of your data and avoid any loss or duplication during the transfer. The benefits include:

Complete Data Transfer: All products, categories, orders, reviews, and customer details will be migrated securely.
Data Security: By using Shopify's official APIs, we ensure that sensitive data is handled with the utmost security.
Maintain SEO settings: We also transfer SEO settings, including meta tags, descriptions, and page slugs, to ensure your new site maintains the same visibility on Google.

4. Redirect Management and SEO

Maintaining SEO performance during migration is a major concern. With our service, we ensure that all 301 redirects are set up correctly to avoid traffic loss.

301 Redirects: We map old Shopify URLs to new WooCommerce URLs to prevent indexed pages from becoming 404 pages.
Updated Sitemap: We create a new XML sitemap that includes all new WooCommerce pages and submit it to Google Search Console to ensure fast indexing.
Performance Monitoring: After the migration, we monitor your site through Google Search Console and Google Analytics to ensure there are no traffic drops or SEO issues.

5. Testing and Final Optimization

After the migration, it is essential to thoroughly test your WooCommerce site to ensure everything is working properly:

  • Site Speed Check: We use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to ensure that the new site is fast and optimized.
  • Redirect Testing: We manually test redirects to ensure that no pages generate 404 errors.
  • Additional SEO Optimization: We implement additional SEO optimizations, such as image compression, content optimization, and adding schema markup to further improve search engine visibility.



Migrating from Shopify to WooCommerce is a complex operation that, if not managed correctly, can negatively impact your site's SEO and performance. However, with our professional migration service, you can make this transition safely and without data loss, while maintaining your site's positioning on search engines.

Our use of the official Shopify API ensures that all your data, from products to SEO settings, is transferred correctly to your new WooCommerce, ready to be optimized and scaled to your business needs.

If you want to learn more about our migration service or need a personalized quote, contact us today for a free consultation!

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