One of the biggest benefits of working with a Online shop is that you never get bored.
Technology evolves rapidly, every day there are new business models and you must never take anything for granted and have the conviction that you have already worked hard enough because the risk that suddenly someone will come up with something better, bigger, cheaper. or faster is always around the corner.
The secret to staying in the race is to move and always propose something new to get the better of the constant struggle to win over customers online.
There is no doubt! The only way to make yours survive Online shop is to respect these three conditions: to be efficient on all devices (cross device), on all channels (cross channel) and beyond territorial borders (cross border).
Let's start with the first condition: cross device.
If yours Online shop does not fit mobile devices soon you will be out of business.
It's amazing to even think that there are still a good chunk of traders out there who don't have a responsive design site, considering that now more than 60% of the population across Europe are constantly searching using mobile devices.
20% of them buys with smartphones and tablets and this percentage is growing.
Cross channel is a must especially for classic physical stores.
Consumers buy when and where they want, they collect when and where they want and in the same way they come back.
Besides, those who use the multi-channel need a great deal of attention.
Selling through yours website it is perfect and will bring you good profit margins, but the power of the target market and the social possibilities to buy are enormous and quickly lead you to international consumer groups.
Not exploiting these channels will lead to problems in the long term.
Last but not least is the cross border, or going beyond borders.
By focusing only on the internal market, you only get a closed business model.
All modern start-ups focus directly on international target groups and are dedicated to international growth. So, missing this opportunity means allowing other companies to enter our local market and blow the business away from us.
The article was taken from CROSS-BORDER MAGAZINE, EDITION 2, 2016/2017, p. 5, author Jeroen Leenders.