In this era of great changes, especially for the Internet and for advertising, the natural need is to gather users and readers on their channels interested in our services.
From outbound to inbound marketing
Advertising investments are shifting from paid media campaigns (newspapers and televisions) to content optimization and social media so that companies' websites are well positioned in search engine search results.
Companies tend to position themselves more and more in a specialized way towards their sector, positioning themselves naturally on search engines to offer a better relationship to their customers.
Outbound Marketing: What is it?
In traditional marketing (outbound marketing) the focus is on finding customers. This occurs through techniques that are often not very “targeted” and intrusive: telephone calls, press and TV advertising, massive newsletters.
The current goal is to make sure that the customer is looking for the company
Inbound marketing turns things upside down: it is the customer who seeks the company.
The success factors for this type of campaign are basically these:
Contents. Content is the heart of the inbound marketing campaign. It is the information that attracts interested users.
SEO. Search engine optimization makes us visible to the reader.
Site structure : it is the starting point of the commercial project, a well structured site that shows the services while the reader is interested in the contents.
Social Media. Social media amplify the impact of information and I share information through networks of friendships and relationships.
L'inbound marketing improves marketing effectiveness and efficiency, reaching qualified and interested users.
With sponsored campaigns you get results as long as you pay, the qualified contents instead favor stable positioning on search engines.