Communication is shifting in the direction of multimedia video. The figure emerged from the Engage Conference organized in Milan.
Over 5.5 million watch videos online in Italy every day. The data was communicated at the Engage Conference in Milan: The New Video Experience is the theme chosen for the edition, that is the evolution of video in digital and multimedia advertising communication and the impact it has had and has in our daily reality. . In Italy there is a boom in viewing video on the web: “the number of Italians watching video from mobile has grown by over 3 million (+ 20% in 12 months)”, reads the report produced by comScore and Sensemakers. And the trend also affects Europe and the rest of the world.
For those involved in advertising, digital communication, journalism and all other sectors, we can say that the "digital transformation" has had an overwhelming effect in all fields and video becomes the most advantageous tool for doing business, also because, data on the other hand, it is the format that records the greatest growth in earnings: “pages with video content increase the permanence of 60% users”, according to the survey by Engace / Conference.
Despite these figures, video advertising does not grow in Italy, because advertising is still absorbed by TV (on average Italians watch television for more than 4 hours a day), while Germany is preparing to overtake digital on TV.
What is the right “recipe” for an effective video? “The winning format is: original, recognizable and constant videos” this is the mantra that was launched at the Engage Conference.
Online advertising pulls on mobile (+ 36%). It is the effectiveness of the video
What was said at the Engage Conference is coupled with recent data from the FCP-Assointernet Observatory: boom in online advertising turnover, especially on mobile: + 36%. It is also the result of the “video first strategy” effect (said by Mark Zuckerberg himself): videos are the most viewed content on the web and in 5 years “they will be the 50% of smartphone data traffic”.
From August 2016 to August 2017, mobile advertising revenue grew by 36,4%: the data can be clearly read from the report of the FCP-Assointernet Observatory (FCP-Federation of Advertising Concessionaries) which compared the period January-August 2017 with the previous year. It revealed a real boom in online advertising in the first 8 months of 2017: + 12.5%.
The turnover of online advertising in August 2016/2017 in detail:
• Web: + 7.8%
• Mobile: + 36.4%
• Tablet: + 5.6%
• Smart TV / Console -50,6%
In conclusion: why not keep up with the times and reach the goal of increasing your online turnover through the creation of a professional video / commercial?
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