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The write a review button doesn't work on Google?

The write a review button doesn't work on Google? It could be due to technical problems or perhaps internal difficulties at Google. The American company is fighting the problem of fake product reviews, which cleverly exploit search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve indexing and position themselves among the first results. This problem was highlighted by a recent study carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Leipzig and the Bauhaus University of Weimar.

The study, titled “Is Google Getting Worse? A longitudinal investigation of SEO spam in major search engines,” is the result of a year of analysis and observation on Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo. The findings indicate that despite Google's efforts to improve review quality, SEO spam techniques continue to be a significant problem, negatively impacting user experience.

The problem of fake reviews not only damages user trust in review platforms, but also has a significant impact on purchasing decisions. The manipulation of search results through SEO spam techniques represents an ongoing challenge for search engines, which must balance between optimizing results for users and combating deceptive practices.