Reading an article with the considerations of Eli Lassman, head of Google ads Marketing UK, it seems that investing in APP is the right choice for those who want to win as a retailer.
Let's talk a little about numbers to understand each other better: in the first half of 2020 people spent 1.600 billion hours on the Smartphone and in the third quarter the use of APPs increased by 25% on an annual basis with 180 billion hours per month spent using an APP.
Unfortunately, this has been a very special year as it has been plagued by a virus that has radically and inexorably changed our way of life.
Experience post-Covid will increasingly tend towards the use of web tools also because, beyond the constraints we have suffered up to now, the habit effect has come into play. People got used to using the tools as they also had more time to devote to technology during these months of closure.
The research that was carried out highlights that the categories that benefited most from this personal commitment to using the smartphone were food delivery, video games, online learning, intrattenimento and purchases.
From the interviews it emerged that for the 30% of consumers shopping experiences will never return to previous normal and that is why it becomes important to look at other horizons.
Statistical research has shown that APP users spend at least 3 times compared to those who buy from mobile; this is certainly due to greater loyalty towards the company that invests in these technologies.
The brand awareness generated by those who propose an APP and study a coherent and smart browsing experience will certainly get the prize from users who will become loyal consumers.
Andrea Incandela