DigiFe Services
Seo Copywriting
SEO Copywriting consists in the preparation of web-oriented texts useful for improving the positioning of a website on Search Engines.
It is especially useful for websites where the pages are not well positioned with useful keywords, and which have too low user residence times.
Knowing the objectives and how to achieve them, these are some of the essential steps for designing and creating a website.
The drafting of articles and textual documents for search engines is a pillar to reach as many customers as possible, creating the right balance between creative communication combined with the rationality of the best marketing strategies.
Competitor analysis
In-depth analysis of the major competitors trying to gain ground to achieve leadership in the market by emphasizing every quality of the company.
Events Promotion
Informative virality, given by the communication of a real event, allows greater penetration into social networks at relatively low costs and with much more incisive effects than paid advertising.