DigiFe Services
Social Media Marketing
Your presence on the most suitable social network for your business. In recent years, most companies on a global scale have begun to see social media as a means to make people talk about themselves by triggering interactions with a dense network of profiled contacts.
The Social Business is growing strongly, in fact the 27% of small and 34% of medium enterprises, use social media for their business, claiming to have increased the turnover of one year up to 15 %. But not only. The 87% of the Fortune 100 companies, the famous magazine that draws up the ranking of US companies based on turnover, uses social media, the 75% Facebook, the 50% Google+ and the 25% Pinterest.
It is now clear that companies all over the world are concentrating most of their business on the combined action of Social Networks and E-commerce portals. Just think that the 44% of the turnover of an E-commerce comes from Twitter and other social networks.
Brand study
Identification of the company's strengths, brief briefing of the production process, technical characteristics of the product, company history.
Knowing competitors and possible customers
Analysis of competitors, their strengths and the markets on which they operate. Know the company's customer history.
Know the most productive geographical area
Analysis of the foreign market and identification of the regions with the highest interest rate for the company product.