Sogni di Tango is a stable school of ARGENTINE TANGO.
The site created with the exact specifications required by the customer to advertise courses, associations and events.
Sogni di Tango is a stable school of ARGENTINE TANGO.
The site created with the exact specifications required by the customer to advertise courses, associations and events.
We are available to your company to develop its business through the most innovative online advertising campaigns, such as Google Adwords and Facebook.
Our offices:
Monday to Friday 9.00 – 19.00
Via U. Manfredini, 5 Ferrara
Via I Maggio, 98 Copparo (FE)
Tel.: +39 0532 702600
© 2025 DigiFe Web Agency - Creation of Ecommerce website positioning. VAT number 02171060383 – REA number: FE 256523 - Tel. +39 0532 702600 - +39 392. 0353386