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Target Mail shipments with Poste Italiane, a new Digife service

Target mail shipments with Poste Italiane represent the most effective postal service for sending targeted material to a profiled audience. This service allows you to send catalogues, postcards, gadgets and more, keeping the relationship with customers alive and informing them about company news and the development of products or services.
Digife supported Mission Refund to promote the new company service by creating the graphic layout of the letter and envelope and the complete management of addresses and shipping via Poste Italiane

Advantages of Target Mail shipments with Poste Italiane:

  1. Precise Targeting: You can select your ideal audience based on criteria such as age, income, occupation and more, ensuring a higher conversion rate than other forms of promotion.
  2. Lower postage costs: Poste Italiane's target mail shipments are less expensive than other forms of advertising, allowing you to save on shipping costs by sending the material only to the desired people.
  3. Effective Marketing Strategy: Target mail mailings are an excellent marketing strategy to send promotional, informational or sample messages directly to your target audience, saving time and costs compared to traditional methods such as cold calling or door-to-door.

Creation of the Customer List: Before proceeding with shipments it is necessary to have a specific customer list.

Creation of the Personalized Message: Once the customer list has been created, it is important to develop the graphic design of the message which must be attractive and professional, with a clear and easy to read layout.

Advantages of Advertising and Promotional Shipping: Advertising and promotional shipments with Poste Italiane target mail are considered one of the most effective and appreciated advertising means, allowing catalogues, gadgets and other promotional material to be delivered directly to your home. This service, also known as Postal Direct Mailing or Postal Marketing, allows you to communicate directly with a selected and profiled audience.

With Target Mail shipments you can reach your target audience more easily. Contact us for more information