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Spotify ADS – How to Advertise on the World’s Largest Podcast Platform

By 12 September 2024No Comments
Spotify ADS

Spotify, with over half a billion active users, has established itself as the most popular music streaming and podcast platform in the world. Its advertising potential is immense, thanks to its ability to reach large audiences through a variety of advertising formats. 

With the rise in podcast adoption, Spotify has become an essential channel for businesses looking to improve their brand awareness and connect with users in moments of “screenless“, that is, when I'm not in front of a screen.

Why choose Spotify Ads?

Digital audio is growing at an incredible rate, and according to recent studies, the podcast are the fastest growing media channel. This means Spotify is a crucial touchpoint to reach consumers in moments of high attention. When users are listening to music or podcasts, they are in an optimal state to receive advertising messages: they are engaged, relaxed, and often not actively using their device for other activities. 

Furthermore, a study conducted by Nielsen Media Lab demonstrated that audio ads are twice as likely to increase purchase intent as display ads and increase ad recall in 24%.

Advanced Targeting and Emotional Branding

One of the most powerful features offered by Spotify Ads is advanced targeting based on users' listening habits. Thanks to the Streaming Intelligence, companies can better understand the moods, passions and musical tastes of their audience, a bit like the targeting implemented on other web tools, such as Google ADS.

This in-depth knowledge allows us to build more personalized advertising messages, using theemotional branding to hit emotions at the right time. For example, Spotify can insert an ad that is consistent with the listener's mood, ensuring greater effectiveness of the message.

Spotify also allows you to segment your ads based on various parameters such as geographic area, type of device used, time of day, music genre and most listened to playlists. This type of segmentation gives companies the ability to reach the right audience at the right time, optimizing the performance of their campaigns.

So far Spotify seems to work like any other advertising tool. The difference lies in the different advertising formats offered by the platform. 

Advertising formats available on Spotify

Spotify offers several advertising formats, each designed to maximize the impact of the message based on user behavior.

1. Audio Announcements

The audio announcements are perhaps the most used format on Spotify. These spots are played between songs, at times when the user's attention is high and not distracted by other activities such as scrolling on social media. This advertising method is reminiscent of the classic commercials we hear on the radio, but Spotify also allows you to associate a companion banner clickable, which appears on the playback screen, further increasing brand visibility and traffic to external websites.

One of the most interesting aspects is that Spotify, thanks to its ability to monitor user behavior, can adapt ads to the emotional context and current activities of listeners. This significantly increases the probability that the ad will be remembered, as demonstrated by the fact that 75% of users tend to remember better an ad that is consistent with their mood or activity.

2. Video Ads

The video ads on Spotify they are divided into two main categories: Video Takeover Ads and the Sponsored Sessions. Video Takeover Ads are displayed when the user is actively interacting with the app, ensuring that the video is displayed full-screen, accompanied by a clickable banner to increase engagement.

The Sponsored Sessions, on the other hand, offer users 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening in exchange for watching a video ad. After the video has played, a clickable banner further invites the user to interact. This format is particularly effective for campaigns that aim for strong engagement with the audience, ensuring an immersive advertising experience.

3. Display Ads

Spotify offers several types of display ads, includingOverlay, the Homepage Takeover, and the Leaderboard. These formats guarantee great visibility because they appear when the user returns to the app or navigates to the Spotify homepage.

  • Overlay: is delivered when the user returns to the app and is displayed full screen on desktop and mobile;
  • Homepage Takeover: a highly visible advertising format available on desktop that supports multimedia and interactive elements;
  • Leaderboard: a banner ad that appears prominently when Spotify is the active app, providing exclusive exposure for 30 seconds.

4. Podcast Ads

Spotify hosts a library of over 2.2 million podcasts, including more than 400 original and exclusive podcasts. Advertisers can choose from ads read by the host or pre-recorded announcements by professional speakers. This advertising method has proven to be particularly effective, since podcasts are generally followed with great attention and listeners tend to trust the hosts.

5. Sponsored Playlist

Businesses also have the option to create sponsored playlists, which is a great option for branding campaigns. These customizable playlists allow brands to associate themselves with certain music genres or artists, providing a more organic advertising experience.

How much does it cost to advertise on Spotify?

Spotify Ads is a platform accessible not only to large companies, but also to small and medium-sized businesses thanks to a minimum campaign cost of €250. This cost is comparable to that of traditional radio stations, but it also offers the possibility of targeting the audience with precision and measuring the effectiveness of the campaigns in detail. The platform of To the Studio Spotify makes it easy to create and manage campaigns, allowing advertisers to track performance in real time.


Spotify is a powerful platform for businesses looking to reach audiences in high-attention moments and away from screens. With a wide range of ad formats, precise targeting, and an affordable cost, Spotify is an ideal solution for increasing brand awareness and driving purchase intent. Regardless of your business, include Spotify in the media mix can make the difference, especially in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape.