Leaflets, catalogs and print media
They are the oldest form of advertising, they are small but they can do great things.
Not all companies can make advertising investments but they all have printed matter to present themselves.
For the creation of brochures or small formats, you must always start from a good strategy; they must have images that reflect the company and must have the same objectives as any form of advertising.
A pamphlet is like an ad title, on its cover there must be the promise; the cover must tell the reader who, what and why?
A mistake in which it is better not to fall is that of wanting to put everything inside it, thus obtaining only chaos and distracting the reader from the central thought. One image is better than many small ones!
Another important thing in a brochure is the captions which are read much more often than you think. It would also be good not to use obvious images so as not to be confused with competitors.
A good paper product must give enough information so that it is kept and remembered, it must be of good quality and coordinated with all the products that can be useful advertising media of the company.